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Genesis 2:18
God made two distinct genders when He created people: men and women. Why? Aren’t men and women essentially the same? Aren’t they interchangeable in their roles and functions? What does the Bible have to say about being made as either a man or a woman? God’s Word reveals that men and women were intended for two glorious and distinct roles. When these roles are carried out, it brings much honor to God! We are complementarian.
God made two distinct genders when He created people: men and women. Why? Aren’t men and women essentially the same? Aren’t they interchangeable in their roles and functions? What does the Bible have to say about being made as either a man or a woman? God’s Word reveals that men and women were intended for two glorious and distinct roles. When these roles are carried out, it brings much honor to God! We are complementarian.
18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for[a] him.”
Genesis 2:18 "Biblical Gender Roles"
Joel Carlson
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